Eleanor R.

Why everyone is talking about “Getting in the Room”

What does “get in the room” actually mean? I used it to increase my business’s revenue by 25% and launch my sold-out conference. 

Get in the room. This phrase is becoming a buzzword among entrepreneurs, and for good reason. It’s not just about showing up—it’s about being intentional with the spaces you occupy and the people you surround yourself with. I learned firsthand how powerful this can be. After one strategic event, I increased my business’s revenue by 25% and connected with women who became lifelong friends. The truth is, getting in the right room will transform your life and business in ways you never expected.

“Getting in the room” means you intentionally put yourself in “rooms” of people who are at or above your achievement level, who will motivate and inspire you to take more action as an entrepreneur. “The room” is used as a term to describe all types of events including networking, small groups, dinners, conferences, and masterminds. “The room” usually refers to some kind of organized event where you get access to high achieving people. 

It doesn’t have to mean a physical room, of course, I have been in some very good virtual networking or mastermind rooms. However, the rooms that have given me the highest quality connections, education, ideas, and relationships have always been in person.

My big leap into “The Room”

In June 2023, I heard about Girlfriends and Business on Lori Harder’s Earn Your Happy podcast. At the time, it was a brand new 1-Day conference for women entrepreneurs held in Scottsdale, Arizona. I had been to other conferences and virtual events before, but I’d never put a lot of focus into networking and had never invested 4-figures into a single day’s ticket. I flip flopped back and forth on if I should buy the ticket because I didn’t know if I was “ready” to meet the other people who would be there or if I’d be the only one there who obviously didn’t fit in.

I decided to be bold, I bought the ticket. 

I bought a bright pinky-orange power suit, I flew from Florida (I was relieved to find out I wasn’t the only one, people came from all over) and spent a week staying with friends in Phoenix. I was blown away by the caliber of speakers and attendees. Up to that point, I found myself frequently thinking at conferences, “I wish this was more in depth instead of the same beginner level advice I can find on Pinterest” and I didn’t find a lot of value in it. Clearly, I wasn’t getting in the right rooms.

It wasn’t just the speakers though at Girlfriends and Business that made the difference. The other attendees were all women working on big goals, and I mean *really, really* big goals (we’re talking patents, being the first in their industry, getting investors, or scaling to 7-figs). And instead of my fears (like no one talking to me, or me having nothing to talk to anyone else about), every woman there was genuinely welcoming and kind. I met some of my best friends that to this day, we travel together and continue to meet on zoom every week since we all live across the country all spread out.

Once I got into one really strategic, high quality room, I was hooked. I made so many connections and got so many ideas, I knew this would be a major part of my growth strategy professionally and personally going forward (little did I know I would host my own 75-person event just 14 months later, but that’s another story).

 How my revenue increased 25% after I started getting in these rooms:

#1 Learning from other people how they’re doing business

This is what you cannot get online, in someone’s course, or scrolling instagram. If you want to find out how other people are doing specific things in their business, you have to meet them in person and/or learn from the workshops and talks they give on stage. And let me say from listening to some of the most incredible speakers at events like this – the information they share in these rooms is not the same as what they post to instagram. It’s deeper, more strategic, and more in depth. 

#2 Referrals and Relationships

There really isn’t a better way to get more clients than to start building your network and getting referrals from other high-achieving entrepreneurs. This especially true if you are looking to be a podcast or youtube guest or you want to speak on stages.

But even if all you want is to get more clients and make friends, this is still the best way. We all know making friends as adults is difficult and doing it as an entrepreneur is even harder. Getting in the room removes those barriers because every person there paid to be there – they truly want to make friends and build relationships.

#3 You start moving faster

There’s this little game we play in our heads when we don’t spend a lot of time in person with other entrepreneurs, and especially if we are truly alone a lot of time. The game is to scroll instagram and think, “Oh wow, she’s killing it in her business. If only I had her secret sauce, her special knowledge, then I would be successful.” and we do it again, and again, and we continue to scroll in comparison and feeling like we are “missing” the secrets.

Let me say – there are zero secrets. The only difference between you and someone you see that is super successful is experience. And how did they get that experience? One – they got in the room. Two – they are moving a LOT faster than you. In the time that you scrolled, they made 17 mistakes and had 1 thing go very, very well. And once you realize this, and you are around people who are successful because they are moving fast…you cannot help but be wildly motivated too. Growth is contagious. You start moving faster too.

Getting in the room is about more than just attending events—it’s about positioning yourself for growth and success. The relationships you build, the insights you gain, and the speed at which you start making progress are game-changers. 

You stop feeling stuck and start moving faster, learning through experience, and making meaningful connections that support your goals. If you want to level up and experience this kind of growth, it’s time to find the rooms that will inspire you, challenge you, and help you thrive.

The next time you hesitate about attending an event, ask yourself: What kind of opportunities am I missing by not getting in the room? Your future self will thank you for showing up.


“Getting in the room” means intentionally connecting with high-achieving entrepreneurs through events, masterminds, and networking opportunities. It allows you to learn strategies not shared online, build strong relationships, and grow your business faster. My first experience attending a top-tier conference increased my revenue by 25% and helped me launch my own sold-out event. If you want to level up personally and professionally, it’s time to get in the right room.

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