Taylor Smith


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Don't make these very common mistakes around launching your online course or membership!

8 reasons your launch could fail


Your step-by-step guide to launching as quickly and low cost as possible + free resources!

how to launch an online course


Learn what's working & what's not right now in the digital product industry & where we're headed in 2025.

2025 predictions: online courses & memberships


Why everyone is talking about “Getting in the Room”

What does “get in the room” actually mean? I used it to increase my business’s revenue by 25% and launch my sold-out conference.  Get in the room. This phrase is becoming a buzzword among entrepreneurs, and for good reason. It’s not just about showing up—it’s about being intentional with the spaces you occupy and the […]

3 Questions to Help You Decide if You Are Ready to Launch a Membership

Memberships are a fantastic way to create monthly recurring revenue and build a loyal community, but they’re not the best fit for everyone. While the idea of consistent income might sound appealing, launching a membership requires careful consideration to make sure you’re ready to meet the demands of your audience—and that it’s the right move […]

8 Reasons Your Course Launch Could Fail

Let’s be real: launching an online course or membership can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. You pour your heart and soul into building the perfect offer, only to launch it and hear… crickets.  I know how frustrating it is to put in all that work and not see the results you want. But here’s the […]

How to Launch an Online Course: 2025 Guide

Your step-by-step guide to launching as quickly and low cost as possible + free resources! Launching an online course doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or time-consuming…despite the fact that you’re probably overwhelmed from the 1,000+ instagram ads that have hit your feed lately where everyone is pitching you a different method of launching. The […]

image shows a laptop and the blog post discusses 2025 trends for online courses and memberships.

2025 Digital Course & Membership Predictions

Learn what’s working & what’s not right now in the digital product industry & where we’re headed in 2025. A digital course or membership is probably on your vision board if you haven’t made one already, but in the back of your mind, you’ve probably got lingering doubt… “Isn’t this a worn out idea? Are […]